Posterous Kini Supports Drupal Blogs

Senang mendengar berita dari situs Posterous yang telah mendukung Drupal. Artinya, kita bisa berkirim berita/kabar dari e-mail melalui Posterius untuk diteruskan ke situs kita yang berbasis Drupal. Begitu pula sebaliknya, dari Drupal kita bisa kirim ke Posterous. Di sini penjelasannya: Semoga bermanfaat.

"We're happy to announce our newest autoposting destination: Drupal! Now it's super easy to update your self-hosted Drupal blog using email. Before adding your site as an autopost destination, make sure that the "Blog" and "Blog API" modules are enabled (you have to be a site administrator to do this). Then just add your Drupal site URL, username, and password and you're ready to go!"

Posted via email from ahmadiethaha


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